- New report shows natural resources conservation on the Delmarva Peninsula generates $8 billion in annual economic activity — The Talbot Spy
- We need solar energy, but should it trample a town’s master plan? — Steve Kline, Bay Journal
- Changes in the Chesapeake: In the Face of Climate Change and Pollution, Biologists Take Action — Dana Kobilinsky, The Wildlife Professional
- Former Girl Scouts camp finds new life thanks to Maryland land trust — The Dirt, Land Trust Alliance
- As land turns salty, farmers grapple with less income — Jeremy Cox, Bay Journal
- Land conservancy celebrates 330th conservation easement — The Star Democrat
- EP. 631: A Live Turkey featuring ESLC CEO Steve Kline — Meateater Radio Podcast
- Balancing Growth and Green: Chestertown’s Greenbelt Plan Faces a Solar Challenge — Steve Kline, The Talbot Spy
- In Maryland’s smallest county, the politics of change take center stage — Lee O. Sanderlin, The Baltimore Banner
- ‘A force in Washington’: Sen. Cardin embarks on Eastern Shore farewell tour — Konner Metz, Cecil Whig
- Rural Legacy Farmers and Partners Celebrate 25 Years of Preserving Maryland’s Bucolic Landscape and Working Farms — Rachael Pacella, Maryland DNR
- Eastern Shore Land Conservancy hosts “Sustainable by Design: Urban3 land use analysis on the Eastern Shore” — ESLC, The Chestertown Spy
- $8.9 million in Chesapeake WILD grants awarded to improve wildlife habitat — Lauren Hines-Acosta, Bay Journal
- USFWS and NFWF Announce $8.9 Million to Restore and Conserve Habitats in Chesapeake Bay Watershed — NFWF
- Bringing the Packing House into the 21st Century — Nathalie Alonso, Saving Places, National Trust for Historic Preservation
- Mid-Shore Arts Plein Air Easton and ESLC Pair Up to Promote Land Conservation — Steve Parks, The Talbot Spy
- Plein Air Easton Announces Invitational Painting Competition Celebrating Land Conservation — The Talbot Spy
- Land conservationists preserve Maryland’s natural, cultural, and historic spaces…one acre at a time — Lisa Lewis, What’s Up
- A meadow runs through it — ESLC, The Dirt, Land Trust Alliance
- Bay 101: Land Use — Chesapeake Bay Program
- Opinion: Preserve farmland and prioritize solar arrays in the built environment — Holly Porter, Steven Kline, Kurt Fuchs, Parker Welch, Lindsay Thompson, Maryland Matters
- The Challenge of Solar Farms on the Shore: A Chat with Eastern Shore Land Conservancy’s Steve Kline — The Spy
- Did you know that timberland can be managed for multiple uses? — Francis Smith, Maryland Forests
- Resilience and Renewal: Rising Tides of Change — Jamal Childs, Chesapeake Conservation Partnership
- The Road from Here: A Chat with Eastern Shore Land Conservancy President Steve Kline — Dave Wheelan, The Talbot Spy
- Lakeside at Trappe is raising environmental impact concerns — Jack Fiechtner, WMDT
- Land trusts are helping solar projects site faster…and smarter — Darci Palmquist, The Dirt, Land Trust Alliance
- Washington College’s Natural Lands Project Creating More Wildlife Habitat — Dennis Forney, The Talbot Spy
- Accessory Dwelling Unit Policy Task Force Deliberates Practical Issues, Recommendations, and Best Practices — Maryland Planning Blog
- The “Poster Duck of Restoration” — Saltwater Intrusion — Carrie Anderson, Hughes Center, UMD
- Applying NASA Earth Observation to Monitor Marsh Migration in Maryland’s Coastal Croplands — Dr. Nicole Ramberg-Pihl, Applied Sciences, NASA
- 2,900 Acres of Cambridge Mansion Property Now Protected Land — Meg Walburn Viviano, Bay Bulletin, Chesapeake Bay Magazine
- Delmarva Oasis: Protecting 50% by 2030 — Chesapeake Conservation Partnership
- Phillips Packing House Named “Threatened Historic Place” — Meg Walburn Viviano, Bay Bulletin, Chesapeake Bay Magazine
- Planning for Marsh Migration at the Blackwater National Wildlife Refuge — Land Trust Alliance
- Tilghman Island arrowheads may point to Bay’s earliest visitors — Karl Blankenship, Bay Journal